Logic does not scan bias amp 2
Logic does not scan bias amp 2

logic does not scan bias amp 2

Power requirement is 13-14V 10A and + 24 to +28v bias 50Ma. The upper left reference tick marks the 100W (50dBm) point with 5dBm / vertical division. Input power for 30W output is typically 10mW or less! I have attached a plot of power vs frequency. Great amplifier for CW,AM, FM, ATV or SSB use from 2300MHz to 2350 30W and to 2450MHz 25W. This amplifier has been selected, setup and tested for an output power of 30W from 2.3GHz to 2.35GHz with a linear gain of 35dB. This auction does include the 24v 80ma bias supply as suggested below at no cost to you.


Very linear Class A RF amplifier which I have removed from a new Spectrian high power Amp where it was used for driver for the main PA boards. The text on the right is from the Ebay advert, The guy seems to have a good supply of them. He is working on a amplifier kit for 13cms around 30w so looking forward to that. Today I met John G4BAO at the Ipswich radio rally and had a very interesting chat with him about 13cms amplifiers. First I will get the 13cms ATV TX / RX built and tested, i'm not sure what I will be using the 23cms units for as I have not found anyone using 23cms ATV near me. The 6 modules shown below I will get wired up and tested and boxed.

logic does not scan bias amp 2

I will take photos and measurements as I go about the build and will post the photos ETC here. Over the coming weeks I hope to build myself a 13cms offset dish to receive GB3CZ using a old Sky dish. The alford slot for GB3CZ is at the top of this mast The Martello Tower Group have a receiver to put on site to make it a working repeater but with lack of interest from radio ham's this is on hold! So PLEASE if you can receive GB3CZ send a signal report to the keeper and a show of interest of using it would be a big help. It transmits a live image looking along the sea front towards Clacton on Sea. Output is on 2432Mhz FM Horizontal 10W ERP 80 Meters Above Sea Level TM218172 JO 01 OT At the moment it is in TX mode only. My local 13cms ATV repeater is GB3CZ and this is located on top of the Coastguard Tower, Holland Haven, Holland-on-Sea, Essex. PLEASE tell your Facebook friends about this page Click

Logic does not scan bias amp 2